VortX DAO for Liquidity Providers

Farming on VortX DAO will enhance the yields due to boosted APRs without users having to lock up any ASH. This product minimizes liquidity providers’ risk, due to ASH exposure and simplifies asset management:

  • Boosted ASH for their underlying liquidity

  • Deposit and withdraw fees covered

  • Bonus VXD

Users can deposit their AshSwap LP tokens to VortX DAO and receive VortX DAO LP tokens in return. The assets are reversible, meaning users can reclaim their AshSwap LP tokens at any time according to their wishes.

15% from the earnings of the LP token stakers, in ASH, will be given to VortX DAO as performance fees. The revenue then will be allocated back to other system participants and to the VortX DAO treasury:

  • 8% is paid in ASH to lqASH stakers and liquidity providers of lqASH/ASH pool on AshSwap.

  • 6% is paid in lqASH to VXD lockers.

  • 1% is kept for the VortX DAO treasury.

Last updated